morning readers....
dah lama rsnye ak x update blog...dah berhabuk dah blog aku nih...huuhuhu..
pg nih aku terase cam down maybe sbb trus x de mood bl masuk office....
and adelah sorg kakak kat office nih perasan mood ak yg tgh tunggang tebalik nih......
so die email aku ngan cr utk hilangkan sedih/ stress...meh kt kongsi sm2.....
to share ..
akak juge ..
consumes us and takes up the time we could have used to be happy. Sure it’s a
long stretch to say ‘don’t be sad’ knowing that it’s easier said than done, but
the next time something saddens you, do the following:
1. Close your eyes. place your hand over your heart, that alone should remind
you of your purpose. You were made to serve Allaah subhanahu wa ta’ala. You
were made for so much, fulfill your duty by making the most of your
2. Smile. It psychologically helps you feel a little better. Even if it’s not
genuine or sincere, just smile.
3. Distract yourself by doing something else. If you’re thinking about your
poor grades for example, think about Salaah and how you need to pray. Or
perhaps go exercise or read a book.
4. Talk it out. Talk to yourself. Let it out, don’t vent to anyone, vent to
yourself & complain to Allaah alone.
5. Remember Allaah. Remember what awaits you if you’re patient. Jannah
6. Remember death. Will this situation matter when you’re dying? It wont, death
is the biggest obstacle, bigger than even what you’re going through.
7. Remember the death of the Prophet. He went through so much that could cause
any person to become depressed and upset for life, yet he had trust in Allaah
and always saw the good side of things.
8. Trust in Allaah. What is making you sad right now, wont continue on making
you sad forever. Look back at all the other times you were sad, do they matter
now? They wont matter in the future, so let go of it.
9. Find a lame joke and laugh at it. That’ll liven up your spirit.
10. Make duaa and lots of it. “Verily in the Remembrance of Allaah, hearts find
rest.” & duaa and reading the Qur’aan are the best forms of remembrance.
11. Write a letter. If you hate writing, paint or draw something and focus on
it. The more you focus, the smaller your problems appear to be.
12. Bake something you’ve never baked before.
13. Clean/ organize/ decorate your room/ home.
14. Play dress-up and play with your makeup!
15. Snap outfit shots!